Personnel Licensing
Personnel Licensing
The Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for the issue of Air Traffic Services, Flight Crew and Maintenance Engineer personnel licences in Solomon Islands. This includes ensuring that the requirements of ICAO Annex 1, Civil Aviation Act 2008 and Civil Aviation Rules are met.
The licensing office has a wide range of functions and responsibilities, which include Examinations, Licensing, Training, Regulatory and Administrative tasks. These are required by the Civil Aviation Act 2008 and the Civil Aviation Rules.
As such the CAASI Personnel Licensing Office is committed to providing an effective, efficient standardized service to meet our legal and corporate obligations as a service provider.
To help us continuously improve our service please observe the following:
To be accepted, your application must meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation Act and CARs. Following the itemized lists on your licensing forms and checklists will ensure compliance.
Once completed, your applications will be assessed and processed in the order they are received on a first come first serve basis. Incomplete applications will be rejected as it is unreasonable for CAASI to accept your application without processing it.
We cannot accept emailed licence applications. Similarly, we cannot email you copies of completed documentation. All applications must be submitted in hard copy.
Processing Times